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Inferring Types

Inferring Garph Types

Garph types can be inferred into TypeScript using the Infer utility

import { g, Infer } from 'garph'

const nameType = g.type('Name', {
  greet: g.string()

type NameType = Infer<typeof nameType>
import { g, Infer } from 'garph'

const nameType = g.type('Name', {
  greet: g.string()

type NameType = Infer<typeof nameType>

Inferred type:

type NameType = {
  greet: string
type NameType = {
  greet: string

Inferring Args

Arguments on Garph types can be inferred into TypeScript using the InferArgs utility

import { g, InferArgs } from 'garph'

const nameType = g.type('Name', {
  greet: g.string().args({ name: g.string().optional() })

type NameType = InferArgs<typeof nameType>
import { g, InferArgs } from 'garph'

const nameType = g.type('Name', {
  greet: g.string().args({ name: g.string().optional() })

type NameType = InferArgs<typeof nameType>

Inferred type:

type NameType = {
  greet: {
    name: string | null | undefined
type NameType = {
  greet: {
    name: string | null | undefined

Inferring Resolvers

Resolver types can be inferred into TypeScript using the InferResolvers utility

import { g, InferResolvers } from 'garph'

const queryType = g.type('Query', {
  greet: g.string()
      name: g.string().optional().default('Max'),
    .description('Greets a person')

const resolvers: InferResolvers<{ Query: typeof queryType }, { context: any, info: any }> = {
  Query: {
    greet: (parent, args, context, info) => `Hello, ${}`
import { g, InferResolvers } from 'garph'

const queryType = g.type('Query', {
  greet: g.string()
      name: g.string().optional().default('Max'),
    .description('Greets a person')

const resolvers: InferResolvers<{ Query: typeof queryType }, { context: any, info: any }> = {
  Query: {
    greet: (parent, args, context, info) => `Hello, ${}`

You can specify the context and info types as a second parameter (see above)

Inferred type:

  Query: {
    greet?: (parent: any, args: {
      name: string | null | undefined
    }, context: any, info: any) => string | Promise<string>
  Query: {
    greet?: (parent: any, args: {
      name: string | null | undefined
    }, context: any, info: any) => string | Promise<string>

Strict Mode

Using InferResolversStrict you can infer resolver types in strict mode, which requires all fields to be specified in the resolver configuration