File Uploads
The feature only works with compatible GraphQL servers and clients that have implemented the Multipart Request Specification.
Garph supports the GraphQL Multipart Request Specification, allowing you to upload files and consume the binary data inside GraphQL Resolvers via HTTP. All you need to do is adding a File
scalar to your schema.
You can consume uploaded files or blobs as WHATWG standard File
or Blob
objects you might be familiar from the browser's API.
import { g, InferResolvers, buildSchema } from 'garph'
const file = g.scalarType<File, never>('File')
const mutationType = g.type('Mutation', {
readTextFile: g.string()
file: g.ref(file),
const resolvers: InferResolvers<{ Mutation: typeof mutationType }, {}> = {
Mutation: {
readTextFile: async (parent, { file }, context, info) => {
const textContent = await file.text()
return textContent
const schema = buildSchema({ g, resolvers })
import { g, InferResolvers, buildSchema } from 'garph'
const file = g.scalarType<File, never>('File')
const mutationType = g.type('Mutation', {
readTextFile: g.string()
file: g.ref(file),
const resolvers: InferResolvers<{ Mutation: typeof mutationType }, {}> = {
Mutation: {
readTextFile: async (parent, { file }, context, info) => {
const textContent = await file.text()
return textContent
const schema = buildSchema({ g, resolvers })